Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Pet a Zebra!!

I went to my cousin, Victoria's, birthday party. And we were riding on one of the horses, Chip. It was really fun because I got to ride all by myself. (But I need to keep practicing because the horse kept stopping and going the opposite way I wanted it to go) But, anyway, someone at the stable bought a zebra and let us see it and stuff. There was a baby zebra there too, and I got to pet it and feed it too! It was so cool! I mean, how many times do you get to pet and feed a baby zebra?!


kathy w. said...

Cool. And crazy.

Mike and Lauren said...

Horseback riding AND petting zebras? That is an awesome party. I love you Anne!

Anonymous said...


I'm going to be a zebra in the fashion show commercial!

... or a tree.

Haha :)


PS: Band rehearsals tonight. :)