Wednesday, December 31, 2008


As of right now, right this second, only 13 hours, 8 min, and 56 seconds till 2009!!!
YAY! It's super crazy, but awesome at the same time.

So, sorry for not posting in forever. But, the only thing exciting was really Christmas. So I think I'll talk about that.
So a big Christmas present I got was this insanely cool bike. I love it so much, it's so cool. And another big present was that I got to talk to my brother in India. It's so amazing that you can talk to someone who is, like, on the other side of the world. But he's doing good and he loves India. It was funny because he has developed an accent, but it's awesome.

So...ya. Yay!

The only sad thing now is that I have to go back to school.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Pet a Zebra!!

I went to my cousin, Victoria's, birthday party. And we were riding on one of the horses, Chip. It was really fun because I got to ride all by myself. (But I need to keep practicing because the horse kept stopping and going the opposite way I wanted it to go) But, anyway, someone at the stable bought a zebra and let us see it and stuff. There was a baby zebra there too, and I got to pet it and feed it too! It was so cool! I mean, how many times do you get to pet and feed a baby zebra?!