Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The braces are off, baby!!

They're off, they're off!! oh my gosh, they're off!
Sorry if the picture is weird, I took it in the car when I was driving back from my appointment.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This is Stephen's lizard

And this is my mom's pot.
My dad made a golf themed cup, but I didn't get a picture of it.

There's Sophie monkey. She painted it crying because she had too much time on her hands and she wanted to keep painting.

There's my switch plate cover thing I painted.

Color Me Mine!!

So my family and I went to a really fun place: Color Me Mine.
I love that place so much. For those that have never been there, I'll explain what you do there. You go and pick something out to paint, like a cup or a plate or something. And then you pick out your paint and you just paint! It's really awesome.
For this trip, I picked out a light switch plate. It's really awesome.

And the most amazing news of all time!!!!!!!!


I'M GETTING MY BRACES OFF!!! AH!! Tomorrow!! Ahhhh!!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008



Heroes season three is coming on!! I'm SO EXCITED!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming

So I haven't posted in a while, and I'm sorry for that. But I don't think anyone really cares though. Anyway...
Sophie, my mom, and I went swimming today. I didn't really want to go, but I forced myself to because I knew that I would just end up reading, being bored, and feeling sorry for myself because all my friends are gone to EFY.
So, we got there (Oh, sorry. Draper Pool, I mean) and I found out that Soph can't sink. It was actually pretty funny. Because she would try to sink down, to get the little sinker toy I had dropped, and she would flail around (is flail a word?!) and her little non-existant butt would stick up and it was truly hilarious to watch.
So after a while of teaching Sophie to sink and trying to keep her socially acceptable, someone pooped in the pool.

Of course.

Seriously, every time I go to Draper Pool, someone poops in the pool! It's rather annoying!! So, make sure you keep your kids from doing bodily functions in the pool. Keep it in the toilet, please.