Sunday, October 12, 2008

It Snowed

Ugh, it snowed. I don't want it to snow!! Fall has been skippped! Stupid winter, why do you have to be so pushy?!
So pretty much all I'm doing is school, haunted hallow stuff, and ice skating: which is way fun. So...ya. That's my life right now. Pretty exciting huh? Ha, not really.
Oh, but my friend and I watched this silent movie that I watched in Theater, and it is way hilarious. It's Charlie Chaplin and I didn't know that a man could be so freaking funny. Go to youtube, type in Charlie Chaplin, and you'll see why I think he's so comical.


kathy w. said...

Sorry that it snowed! I'm not ready for it to be cold yet, either. I'm under the blankets, ready for it to all be over.
I'm glad that you're doing such fun stuff. Your ice skating performance is next week, right? We definitely want to come.

Mike and Lauren said...

I agree that winter is being a little pushy -- I need to revel in the season of fall a little longer too! I am so excited to be seeing you more with all of our holiday traditions though! We love you!