Saturday, September 27, 2008

I need a good book

I decided, I need a good book. But I have no clue of what to read. So if anyone knows a good book that you think I'll like, totally tell me. Because I really want to read a good book.
Ha ha, I'm such a nerd.


kathy w. said...

Only nerdy in a good way. We actually have a ton of books that you might like at our house. And we want to have you guys down for dinner sometime. You're welcome to pick out one that you want to borrow.

Also, I really loved "Where the Red Fern Grows." I read it when I was the same age as you. Made me cry.

kathy w. said...

Today, in the paper, I read about the nominees for the National Book Awards. They've nominated several books for young people's lit. You're a young person, so I thought you might appreciate the recommendations:

Chains - Laurie Halse Anderson
The Underneath - Kathi Appelt
What I Saw and How I Lied - Judy Blundell
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks - E. Lockhart
The Spectacular Now - Tim Tharp

I haven't read any of these books, so I can't give personal recommendations about them. But you might want to check them out.