Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The braces are off, baby!!

They're off, they're off!! oh my gosh, they're off!
Sorry if the picture is weird, I took it in the car when I was driving back from my appointment.


Mr. Christopher said...

Hurray! You've always been cute. But now you're cute, and we can see your teeth.

kathy w. said...

Wow. You got like 2 years older in a single afternoon. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Wait, were those off last night? I can't remember. Oh and I loved your outfit last night, too.
Anywhoo, congrats! Don't your teeth feel slimy? :P

Ali said...

LOOK AT THAT SPARKLING GRIN!!! You beautiful woman, you! Crap, now I'm really going to have to invest in that rubber hose to beat the daylights out of your wannabe-beaus!