Sunday, September 7, 2008


So, sorry. I haven't posted in a while. And the sad thing is, I don't have anything special to tell.
I went to my friend's party, and it was awesome, though. Ha ha, we accidentally got her shoes stuck in the gazebo in her neighborhood. And so there we were, chucking shoes at the gazebo to try and get them down. And then me and my friend, Madison, went into her garage and found this really long bamboo stick, and so we climbed on top of the benches and tried poking the shoes so they would come down. It was pretty funny. But this one girl named Cassidy accidentally cut her armpit because she climbed on the bench and was trying to get down so fast that she wasn't really paying attention.
But, other than that, that's pretty much it.
Oh, but school is great. Seminary is awesome even though I have to wake up at 5:15 to get there. But it's awesome.

Go Mormons!


kathy w. said...

5:15? Holy cow! I'm totally impressed. Our weekend was fun, too; we finally got everything moved in.

Mr. Christopher said...

You're the coolest. 5:15? Talk about a trial of faith.

Nickykens said...

Lol Madi's party!
Haha sorry, delayed comment.